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    Notebook Examples

    Examples maintained by the OpenBB Team to get started with the OpenBB Platform. All examples are available on our GitHub here.

    Install in Google Colab

    Install the OpenBB Platform in Google Colab and get started pulling data and creating visualizations.

    Notebook available here.

    Output image for Install in Google Colab notebook

    Find Symbols

    An introduction to discovering, finding, screening, and searching symbols using different sources.

    Notebook available here.

    Output image for Find Symbols notebook

    Load Historical Price Data

    Loading data with different intervals and sources, ticker symbology, load data from other asset classes, load multiple tickers in one go, draw lines on plotly.

    Notebook available here.

    Output image for Load Historical Price Data notebook

    Copper To Gold Ratio

    Calculate copper to gold ratio, load front-month future prices, 10-year constant maturity vs treasury bill, basic dataframe operations, plotting on 2 y-axis.

    Notebook available here.

    Output image for Copper To Gold Ratio notebook

    USD Liquidity Index

    Query the Federal Reserve Economic Database and recreate the USD Liquidity Index, load multiple data series, basic operations on a dataframe, normalization methods, and creating custom chart.

    Notebook available here.

    Output image for USD Liquidity Index notebook

    Financial Statements

    Get started with financial statements in the OpenBB Platform. This notebook compares the data from different providers and demonstrates how to access items within the three main financial statements - balance, cash, and income.

    Notebook available here.

    Output image for Financial Statements notebook